Projet lauréat du concours de recherche rapide (printemps 2015) du Réseau ISSPLI (IRSC). Suivi du projet de recherche sur les innovations financé par le R1Q en 2014-2015.
Responsables : Marie-Thérèse Lussier (Université de Montréal, Département de médecine de famille et de médecine d’urgence) et Nathalie Boivin (Université de Moncton)
In Canada, the prevalence of chronic diseases is increasing and is contributing significantly to health costs. Prevention and care of chronic diseases is a major preoccupation of our health system. The quality of communication between patients with chronic disease and their health care providers is recognized as playing an important role in the management of their illness. However, few tools have been developed to improve patient-professional communication, and even fewer in French. The goal of this research project is to evaluate the introduction of a French website, Discutons Santé, in the context of regular clinical follow-up, whose aim is to support collaboration between care staff and patients with chronic diseases. The project will take place in primary health care clinics in Quebec and New Brunswick. This project offers the potential to transform clinical practice and to improve the quality of care offered to patients with chronic diseases.
Résultats :
- Présentation à l’Assemblée annuelle du Département de médecine de famille et de médecine d’urgence, Université de Montréal en mai 2017 : « Implementing a Website to Help Chronic Disease Patients Prepare their Primary Care Consultation »
- Webinaire Réseau-1 présenté en février 2016 :
- Affiche scientifique présentée lors de la Journée annuelle 2019 du R1Q