
Innovating in Primary Healthcare Delivery to People Living with Diabetes: The Quebec Diabetes Empowerment Group Program

Projet lauréat de l’appel à projets de recherche sur les innovations 2015-2016.

Responsables : Charo Rodriguez, Département de médecine de famille, Université McGill et Dre Fanny Hersson-Edery, Santé Kildare Medical Clinic

RRAPPL principal d’attache : RRAPPL Université McGill 

Diabetes is a prevalent and chronic disease which requires a multifaceted approach that is multidisciplinary to support patients in the self-management of their diabetes (Canadian Diabetes Association). Most diabetes care is provided in the community by primary care physicians and community nurses. We have piloted a group program based on a theoretical framework of empowerment by M.A. Zimmerman and B.D. Christens. Empowerment includes 4 main concepts: emotional (attitude), cognitive (knowledge), behavioral (skills) and relational (relatedness to others). Group care is an innovative model that creates a sense of community, is collaborative, and engages patients actively. Our Réseau-1 project proposal includes 3 stages. The first stage is to create a description of our current diabetes group program and the patients’ experiences (we are currently analyzing individual interviews of those 17 participants in the first 3 pilot group programs at the Santé Kildare Clinic). The second stage is to conduct a pre-implantation focus group with 10-12 health professionals from various sites (these include McGill sites such as the CRIU and sites in other RRAPPLs) to elicit their reflections on the content of the program and patient empowerment, as well as the applicability and feasibility of implementation at their sites. The third stage will be to draft a case study project to compare experiences of the program implementation at different sites. Our initial target population will be health professionals (physicians, nurses, kinesiologists, and dieticians) currently working with patients with diabetes.

Résultats :

Affiche présentée à la Journée scientifique du Réseau-1 en juin 2017 « The Diabetes Empowerment Group Program : A Novel Group Model Powers Up! »

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