
Improving the management of low back and shoulder pain in primary care by implementing Choosing Wisely recommendations: development and preliminary impact of a knowledge translation intervention

Projet financé via l’appel à projets Choisir avec soin  lancé par le Réseau-1 Québec et ses partenaires en 2021-2022.


  • François Desmeules, Université de Montréal
  • Et son équipe : Yannick Tousignant Laflamme (co-chercheur principal), Simon Décary (co-chercheur principal), Diana Zidarov (co-chercheuse principale), Véronique Lowry (candidate au doctorat), Jean-Sébastien Roy (chercheur), Joseph Omer Dyer (chercheur), Kadija Perreault (chercheuse), Simon Bergeron-Vaillancourt (clinicien), Marie-Claude Lefèbvre (clinicienne), Sylvie Bourbonnais (patiente-partenaire)

Objectif du projet

Knowledge dissemination have failed to change behaviours of clinicians concerning treatment of musculoskeletal disorders such as low back and shoulder pain. We will develop and evaluate the pilot implementation of a knowledge translation intervention aiming at changing primary care clinicians’ prescription behaviours regarding Choosing Wisely Canada recommendations. The knowledge translation intervention development will be based on determinants identified in interviews with clinicians and patients. We will select behaviour change techniques and strategies to efficiently implement CWC recommendations. We anticipate that the intervention will include workshops and educational handouts for clinicians and patients, decision-aid tools and better care pathways for patients.


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