Profil du membre

Juan Pimentel

PhD student in Family Medicine

Contacter ce membre


Juan Pimentel is a general practitioner with an MSc in Epidemiology. During his last year of medical school, he had the opportunity to immerse himself in the fascinating world of Colombian traditional medicine. Through this experience, he became aware of the consequences of the substantial gap existing between the communities’ needs and expectations, and the physicians’ knowledge and skills. His work as a lecturer and researcher in community health aims to close this gap by providing cultural safety training to medical students and family medicine residents in Colombia. He is now pursuing a Ph.D. in family medicine to foster cultural safety in research and clinical practice through game-based learning in medical education.


McGill University

Lieu de pratique



RRAPPL de l'Université McGill

Domaine d'intérêts / expertises

  • Accès aux soins
  • Disparités des soins / de santé
  • Education / Formation
  • Pédagogie médical / adulte
  • Santé mondiale / Soins interculturels

Expertises méthodologiques

  • Devis et analyses quantitatives
  • Etudes et analyses qualitatives de base
  • Recherche participative
