Profil du membre

Tina Montreuil

Associate professor - Scientist

Contacter ce membre


Dr. Tina C. Montreuil is an Associate Professor in the department of Educational and Counselling Psychology and an Associate Member of the Departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at McGill University, as well as the director of Childhood Anxiety and Regulation of Emotions Laboratory C.A.R.E.Research Group. She is a Scientist at the Research Institute of McGill University Health Centre. Dr. Montreuil’s research has mainly focused on investigating the role of emotion regulation, attitudes, and beliefs on the intergenerational transmission mechanisms of emotion regulation. Montreuil’s more current work focuses on developing resilience and well-being in expectant parents through a perinatal intervention, Toi, moi bébé, which she has developed with a team of Canadian researchers at the CHU Sainte-Justine. As a licensed member of the Quebec Order of Psychologists and a credentialed member of the Canadian Association of Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies, she has held a private practice with children and family, focusing on cognitive-behavioural and mindfulness approaches. She has published in several peer‐reviewed journals and has been a lecturer at several international conferences and holds several research grants. In 2013, she was awarded the title of "Champion" in Mental Health in the "Research" category from the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health and was more recently included in The Top 150 Leading Canadians for Mental Health by CAMH Difference Makers.



Lieu de pratique



RRAPPL de l'Université McGill

Domaine d'intérêts / expertises

  • Accès aux soins
  • Allergies / Immunologie
  • Cybersanté
  • Disparités des soins / de santé
  • Education / Formation
  • Education des patients / Activation des patients
  • Endocrinologie
  • Génétique
  • Organisation de soins et services de santé
  • Promotion de la santé / Prévention des maladies
  • Psychiatrie / Santé mentale
  • Pédiatrie
  • Santé publique

Expertises méthodologiques

  • Amélioration de la qualité / Pratique réflexive
  • Devis et analyses de méthodes mixtes
  • Devis et analyses quantitatives
  • Engagement / Activation des patients
  • Essaies randomisés classiques ou pragmatiques
  • Etudes populationnelles
  • Prise de décision médicale
  • Recherche participative
  • Statistiques avancées
  • Synthèse de connaissances (méta-analyse / réaliste / systématique)
  • Validation / Evaluation d'instruments de mesure


Site Web:

Twitter: @DrMontreuil

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin. com/in/tina-c-montreuil-66535a19/recent-activity/all/?trk=pprof-feed
