
Primary care shared decision making for addressing painful chronic musculoskeletal pain

Projet lauréat de l’appel à projets de recherche sur les innovations 2019-2020.


  • Jean-Sébastien Paquette, Groupe de médecine de famille universitaire de Saint-Charles-Borromée (GMF-U SCB) – Affilié à l’Université Laval
  • Simon Décary, Centre de recherche sur les soins et services de première ligne de l’Université Laval

RRAPPL impliqués : RRAPPL Université Laval et RRAPPL Université Sherbrooke

Joint and muscle pain is a common reason for visiting a primary care physician. However, often patients are sent for several imaging tests and are given only pills for their pain with no rehabilitation to improve their mobility and quality of life. Patients’ values and preferences are rarely considered. We will develop a shared decision making program for health professionals and patients to help them decide about the best choices to diagnose and treat joint and muscle pain. We aim to improve communication and increase patients’ knowledge, satisfaction and confidence about high-quality alternatives to imaging and pills. This will contribute to a better experience and improved quality of care for patients living with joint and muscle pain.

Résultats: We successfully surveyed 1650 Canadians across ten provinces. Our main finding is that more than 80% of Canadians living with chronic pain experience clinically significant decisional conflict. Said otherwise, most Canadians with pain face poor experience and interaction with health and social services leaving them unsatisfied and uncertain about the best options to improve their quality of life and reduce their disability. This situation is worse than expected – this prevalence of decisional conflict is among the highest recorded across all fields of medicine. 

  • Naye F, Légaré F, Paquette J-S, Tousignant-Laflamme Y, LeBlanc A, Gaboury I, Poitras M-E, Toupin-April K, Li L, Hoens A, Poirier M-D, Décary S. DECIDE-PAIN: A Decisional Needs Assessment for Patient-Centered Pain Care in Canada. BMJ Open. Accepted.

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