
Reflections on primary care during the pandemic

Réseau-1 Québec is pleased to present this series of reflections on primary care during the pandemic. Thank you to the authors who shared their reflections with us.

« The essays in this collection eloquently expose the shadowy realms of media reporting and policy making that persist and impede the implementation of a comprehensive response to the pandemic and to its collateral effects on our society. The essays reflect the diversity of views and the depth of reflection within our community of committed actors. » – Dr Antoine Boivin, Family physician and Canada Research Chair in Patient and Public Partnership

The original French versions are available here >>

All of the essays are also available in this PDF booklet>>

1388 Membres

Chercheurs, cliniciens-praticiens, décideurs, gestionnaires, patients-proches aidants, étudiants, résidents...

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