Hello everyone,
After pausing for the summer, the COVID-19 & Primary Healthcare Scan of Needs and Innovations, led by Réseau-1 Québec and partners, is starting up again: a new survey about your experiences during the second wave of the pandemic will run from November 19th to December 23rd.
We want to know what you are experiencing! What impacts are you seeing in primary healthcare in Quebec? How are you adapting to the new increase in cases? Will any innovations or solutions be sustained after the pandemic? Answer these new emerging questions by taking part in the scan!
So far, your participation in the scan has allowed us to identify many needs and innovations in primary healthcare that have emerged in the context of COVID-19, which we have shared with our members, partners and collaborators. View the latest results!
Results related to innovations in service organisation>>
Results related to mental health>>
Do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions.
Thank you for your participation! Stay safe!
Réseau-1 Québec and partners
Réseau-1 Québec is leading this scan in collaboration with:
- Collège québécois des médecins de famille (CQMF)
- Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ)
- Réseau intersectoriel de recherche en santé de l’Université du Québec (RISUQ)
- Réseau de recherche en interventions en sciences infirmières du Québec (RRISIQ)
- Unité soutien SRAP du Québec
- Institut universitaire de première ligne en santé et services sociaux (IUPLSSS)
- Vitam – Centre de recherche en santé durable
- Consortium Interrégional de Savoirs en Santé et Services Sociaux (InterS4)
- Réseau de recherche en santé buccodentaire et osseuse (RSBO)