Archives du mot-clé essais cliniques

The role of primary care practice-based research and learning networks in pragmatic clinical trials

Improving patient and community health through enhancing primary care science

Date and Time

27 Feb 2024, 12-1 PM ET/HE, Zoom


  • Dr. Andrew Pinto (MD CCFP FRCPC MSc), Founder & Dir. of Upstream Lab, CIHR Applied Public Health Chair in Upstream Prevention & Prof. University of Toronto
  • Dr. Daniel Merenstein (MD), Prof. Georgetown University, Dir. of Research Programs Family Medicine, Georgetown University Medical Center, Department of Human Science, School of Health

Clinical trials are an essential part of the healthcare sector and a crucial component of research and innovation. However, most clinical trials do not take place in primary care. This session explores shared solutions about the nuts and bolts of what is needed for primary care practices to be involved in pragmatic clinical trials. The presenters will provide examples of how practices (CanCOVID) and practice-based research and learning networks (NOSES) work together to develop knowledge for primary care. They explain how burden to clinicians and practices can be minimized while being involved in research and learning.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify what infrastructure is needed for a primary care trial network (focused on pragmatic clinical trials)
  2. Identify core components needed for practices to participate in pragmatic clinical trials (nuts and bolts)
  3. Learn about the role of Canadian Primary Care Clinical Trial Network

Register in advance for this webinar here!