Budgeting for Meaningful and Authentic Patient Engagement in Health Research

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Join Carolyn Shimmin (Patient and Public Engagement Lead, George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation) to learn about how to budget for meaningful patient and public engagement in health research.

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Carolyn Shimmin is the Patient and Public Engagement Lead at the George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI), Manitoba’s SUPPORT Unit for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research (SPOR). In this role, she oversees all patient/public engagement in health research programs and services offered at the Centre, including the Patient Engagement Lunchtime Learning Series, the Patient Engagement Champions Program, the Funding Award to Support Patient/Public Engagement in Health Research, and the CHI Patient and Public Engagement Collaborative Partnership. With a bachelor’s degree combined honours in journalism and political science and a masters degree in gender studies, Carolyn is a big proponent of using a social justice and health equity lens in patient/public engagement and writes and speaks about the importance of incorporating a trauma-informed intersectional analysis in order to build truly inclusive and safe spaces within patient and public engagement in health research. Carolyn is currently a PhD candidate in Community Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba.

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